Schulman show - I'm sexy and I know it

So, I'm pretty sure you've all gotten the idea of this "international blog" is that I (Marcus) write in english and my companion (Victor) posts his in swedish. Why I'm mentioning that is that I'm pretty sure my American peers have no god namn clue who this "stud" is. Well, it's about a show, Schulman Show (can be found @ schulmanshow), and the reason I'm blogging about this is just cuz the fact of that it's hilarious. I've watched a few episodes now and I gotta give it to him; it's pretty darn funny! However, I do have to make a comment on how he looks. He's not bad looking but it's just that he's not really attractive either. It kinda looks his teeth are being pushed forward in a way it looks hilarious. You'll see them on a picture below, wow.
Here are some other very attractive pictures of this gorgeous man
FYI: Pictures are not mine and I hope Mr. Schulman doesn't see this post in person (haha)


At this point I'm just gonna lay my head back and watch Sons of Anarchy with Casey and Kaylee. Sipping on my glass of wine pouring all the hours of studying and working right back in my face. Nah, it's all good. Anyhow, someday's are of course more difficult than others. Speaking of which, tomorrow, I'm waking up at 6 to be at school for a movie exam during the first three hours of class. Then, off to next class for which I have spent most of last week just preparing for this class exam. Western Civilization II, definitely a very interesting class going back to the time of Napoleon, the Medici family of Italy, the first Pope, and other goodies, but it's as time-requiring as it is interesting. Nevertheless, Victor's previous post about us all chillin' by the pool, yeah that's pretty much put behind, right now it's just hard work and studying.
On another piece, I did my first workout session today since last week of May. Yeah, I am out of shape, but - real fuckin' excited to get back into it. For my homecoming this winter, muscles will be showing and that's a promise.

By the pool

Några episka timmar vid poolen när vi var och besökte USA i somras. Med bollar, bybefolkning, Corona, Budweisers och kameran roade vi oss glatt i hettan. Det är inte så svårt att bli barn på nytt, det äger ju. Smakprov på en eftermiddag i L.A, det kommer mera.

Good night

Today's been one of those days you just, even though I'm atheist, thank god for. Another lazy day with plenty of coffee and some fun food cooking. Did though however work for 5 hours but which was also spent together with Casey, she's now also back in the office doing scanning while I was doing my regular dispatch shift.
Came home and found some friends just playing FIFA and it seriously amazed me cuz no one here, seriously no one, plays FIFA besides these amazing people. Why am I telling you this? Well, pretty much 50% of the time I spend with my true swedish pals is FIFA time so lets cred the americans for ones on that one :)
Anyhow, tomorrow awaits a huge world geography exam as well as another 3h class, then back home for another 5h of dispatching, hopefully Casey will come in and scan as I'm working. And the weekend will be just AWESOME; birthday weekend is coming up. Im turning 22 on Monday so I'm guessing a lot of dinners and partying. More on that later but here's a pic from Lake Tahoe.. goodnight <3

The return of Vircus

Månaderna har tickat förbi. Snabbt. Har haft en maxad sommar med mina compadres. Det har helt enkelt inte blivit så mycket tid åt detta. Men nu när sommaren tyvärr lägger sig och man blir soffpotatis igen så är det dags. Vi är tillbaka, för 79:e gången. Vi vet. Let's go.
Titta på dom här människorna. Dom har stor del i att denna sommar var en av de bästa i mitt liv. Vi går djupare i det framöver. Ska ösa in bilder från sommaren. Massa inspiration och sånt göddigt. 

Wine bar

Just checking in on you guys, hope all's good. I just arrived back from a "wine meet" at a local wine bar here in Valencia owned by a friend of mine. It turned out to be an amazing evening with lots of wine, cheese and crackers but most importantly, all the good conversations with peers etc. That'll be my night-night call for yall. Now just keep in mind that we have just turned the ignition so our motors are weak and needs a lot of support, you know what I mean. Keep reading and please leave a comment or whatnot.
Much love!
FYI, picture is not taken at this particular hour.

Choice spoke YES

We (Marcus & Victor) have been two lazy slackers. The two of us have had plenty of other activities filling our days instead of blogging. However, one might dispute and ask "what better activity is there than blogging?", well, quite frankly; THERE ISN'T.
So, here we are and we are ready to step inside the blogosphere and rap this shit up. Deliveries are very much going to be up to date and per ush, this blog is primarily focusing on news-breaks, entertainment/media both video and still, as well as other stuff like personal bias etc etc..
Things have definitely changed in our lives, I'm not gonna blabber about anything in ultimate detail but to be short there have certainly been a few changes since we were last up and running. For one, I'm now at California State University Northridge, I just made my transfer from College of the Canyons were I got my AA in Liberal Arts and Sciences. For now I'll let that be all so I'm not completely giving it all up. SO; WE ARE BACK, and very excited about returning to your eyes and ears.

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