The picturecloud

The picturecloud

Many of which is taken from THISISNOTNEW

The newscloud

  1. IRAQ: In country's north, a youth-led 'Kurdish spring' blooms
  2. BAHRAIN: Medical staff face prosecution, alleged torture after aiding anti-government protesters
  3. SYRIA: Security forces allegedly fire at protesters
  4. IRAQ: At least nine killed in Baghdad bombing
  5. SYRIA: Banias protesters wave bread in solidarity
Obama faces critical decision on Afghan troop withdrawal

Obama faces critical decision on Afghan troop withdrawal

President Obama must soon make a critical decision: how many...


Royal wedding: Her Royal Blandness

Royal wedding: Her Royal Blandness

I admit it: I love Kate Middleton. I love that she defied...


Arab uprising: The U.S. must take a nonviolent stance

Arab uprising: The U.S. must take a nonviolent stance

As Arab dominoes teeter and topple, Washington finds...


Obama's new players on Afghanistan

Obama's new players on Afghanistan

The message the White House tried to send with last week's...


Al Qaeda without its leader

Al Qaeda without its leader

Even as Westerners celebrate the death of Osama bin Laden,...


Turkey's neighborhood troubles

Turkey's neighborhood troubles

Syrian President Bashar Assad is in deep trouble. His...





TV networks are deciding who's in and who's out

TV networks are mulling over fall schedules

'Breaking Dawn' pictures: Edward, Bella have a royal honeymoon of their own

'Breaking Dawn' pictures: Edward, Bella have a royal honeymoon of their own

'Thor' movie premiere: Chris Hemsworth, Kenneth Branagh, Kat Dennings enjoy the moment [Video]

'Thor' premiere

'Bridesmaids' premiere

'Bridesmaids' premiere

'Something Borrowed' premiere

'Something Borrowed' premiere

The picturecloud

Distributed by THISISNOTNEW

Its never too soon, too late, or too early

Things change and sometimes it is for the better, sometimes for the worse, reality takes over and adjustments are obvious keys in coping with the struggle. The main thing is, however, that even if things change and for some reason you feel like its for the worse, it is only because of you not having experienced that before or something that overwhelms you in a more deeper view of things. Don't loose it.

Deklarationen i ett icke-kapitalist land, du borde vara stold.

It is time for the comunists in Sweden to declare their expenses (workwise) for the past year. It is a question wether or not you have spent a certain amount of money in for example, travelling, selling stocks or paper, selling property, travel mileage, and much more. The day is tomorrow, make sure you have carefully looked over the various aspects that decides if you are eligable for reduced taxes and grants etc. Make sure you look over these tips (below).
Since this only concerns the legal pop. belonging to the nation of Sweden, the tips will be in Swedish.
  • Kontrollera.

Se till att alla uppgifter stämmer med de kontrolluppgifter du fått från arbetsgivare,

bank och andra.Kontrollera särskilt noga om du vill ha skattereduktion för hustjänster (rut & rot).

Har du köpt de tjänster som du ska ha skattereduktion för?

Det finns ligor som har kapat identiteter och fått ut pengar från Skatteverket,

vilket gör att du riskerar restskatt.

Rotbrottslingar kan kapa din identitet.

  • Tänk igenom avdrag.

Vanligast är avdrag mot arbetsinkomster.

Men för att det ska vara lönt att ansöka bör dina sammanlagda avdrag vara på mer än 5 000 kronor. 

Det är bara för belopp över denna gräns som du får avdrag. 

Kontrollera noga att du har rätt till avdraget. 

Det är ofta granskning av denna typ av avdrag. Läs mer om mina 12 bästa tips.

  • Arbetsresor.

Tänk på att du får bara avdrag för resekostnader som överstiger 9 000 kronor så reser du med kollektivtrafik 

på månadskort är det ingen idé att söka avdrag för arbetsresor. 

Kolla noga att du uppfyller villkoren för arbetsresor med bil. 

Dessa resor kommer troligen att kontrolleras extra noga i år.

  • Arbete på annan ort.

Har du arbetat tillfälligt på annan ort så ta dig tid att läsa igenom villkoren för avdrag. 

Det kan handla om många tusenlappar i sänkt skatt.

  • Sålt bostad

Vi gör ofta fel när vi deklarerar bostadsförsäljningar, många gånger till vår egen nackdel. 

Lusläs anvisningarna. Ibland kan mäklaren hjälpa dig med ett underlag.

  • Sålt värdepapper.

Har du sålt fondandelar behöver du bara kontrollera uppgifterna. 

Men har du sålt aktier och andra värdepapper ska du nästan alltid själv räkna fram din vinst. 

Även här är det vanligt att vi gör fel som innebär att vi betalar för mycket i skatt. 

Titta på de exempel som finns i broschyren för värdepappersförsäljningar. 

Använd gärna e-legitimation så får du automatisk hjälp med uträkningar och rätt siffra i rätt ruta.

Läs mer om aktiedeklaration.

  • Rot och rut

Har du använt dig av hustjänster som ger skattereduktion. 

Kontrollera uppgifterna noga. När du skriver under deklarationen är du ansvarig för de uppgifter 

hantverkaren eller städfirman skickat in till Skatteverket. 

Beloppet står som inkomst på specifikationen och det är helt riktigt. 

När avdraget görs i deklarationen blir det noll (om du betalar tillräckligt med skatt för att kunna få denna 

skattereduktion). Skatteverket har ju förskotterat pengarna till företaget så du ska varken betala eller

få några pengar tillbaka. Läs mer om rut och rot.

  • Du förstår inte.

Gör så gott du kan. Det viktigaste är att du tar upp allt du är skyldig att ta upp i deklarationen. 

Kör du fast så skriv ändå under Övriga upplysningar hur du tänkt och vilka belopp det handlar om. 

Då kan du inte få skattetillägg eller annat straff för att du undanhållit uppgifter. 

Glöm till exempel inte din auktionsvinst.

  • Skaffa e-legitimation nu.

Vänta inte till sista dygnet.

E-legitimation får du hos din internetbank och det kan bli kö eller datatrassel om många vill ha legitimationen 


  • Inga ändringar.

Strunta i att jaga runt efter frimärke och kuvert. 

Använd istället telefonen och knappa in ditt godkännande, med vanlig knapptelefon eller genom sms. 

En av årets nyheter är att du kan deklarera med en app som laddas ner från 

Skatteverkets hemsida. Mer om appen.

  • Du hinner inte.

Har du svårt att hinna med deklarationen i tid så skulle du ha begärt anstånd senast i mitten av april. 

Men har du en rimlig orsak, akut sjukdom eller liknande, kan du ringa Skatteverkets Skatteupplysning

(0771-567 567) och få respit cirka två veckor. Lämnar du in deklarationen för sent kostar det 1 000 kronor. 

Efter tre månader kostar det ytterligare 1 000 kronor. Som mest kan du få betala 3 000 kronor.

Ett alternativ kan vara att du skickar in deklarationen och sedan kompletterar med en ändring. 

Då får du inte skatteåterbäring till midsommar men du slipper straffavgifter. 

Har du varit för snabb och upptäcker före måndag kväll något du glömt – gör en e-deklaration. 

Det är den senast inskickade elektroniska deklarationen som gäller.

The picturecloud

The newscloud 4/27


Why Being Rejected Hurts Like A Punch To The Face

Being rejected sucks, but can it physically hurt? Kinda. Turns out your brain equates the pain of rejection with actual bodily injury.


5 Hidden Clues A Woman Is Cheating On You

We asked a couple of private investigators who can spot a cheater like it's their job — because it is — for telltale signs that a woman is cheating on you.


How Not To Get Her Back

Shockingly, winning back your ex becomes far more difficult if you insult her new boyfriend, destroy her possessions, or recite vulgar poetry.


How To Read Her Body Language

She might be too nice to flat out tell you to get lost, but her body language could be asking you to do just that. Find out if she's attracted to you by interpreting what she's nonverbally saying.


11 Awful Things That Happened on Valentine’s Day

February 14th is traditionally marked by fancy dinners, gifts, and derivative ensemble dramedies. But should wereallybe celebrating Valentine's Day?


7 “Romantic” Movies To Watch With Her On Valentine’s Day

Don't get stuck watching movies you know you'll hate on Valentine's Day. Instead, suggest renting a deceptively girly sounding movie that, in reality, kicks major ass.


How Not To Lose To a Woman

A woman won't think less of you if she beats you while playing sports or Russian roulette. But she will be mad if you don't deal with it like a man ….

Natalie Portman

5 Secrets For Having a Friend With Benefits

How do you convince a woman to have a No Strings Attached, sex-without-commitment relationship with you? Excellent question. So we asked a woman to give us the answers.


Love Advice From Spokesmodels

When we got bored at the Consumer Electronics Show, we asked women to forget about touch screens and 3-D and tell us what guys don't know — but should know — about women.


5 Dating Mistakes All Guys Make

You've made these dating mistakes — it's just that women have been too busy rolling their eyes at you to point them out. Until now.

The picturecloud (6)


Factual proof of entertainment

Aren't we all blessed with the beauty of the world itself? There are so many great things out there that you know of, however, what you dont know is that there are GREATER things where you havent looked. Experience as much as possible for life is short, dont skip out on trying different jobs here and there, socializing with strangers, open up like never before, work out like never before, write a book, listen to new music, see a movie you hate, it might be something worth your time. Trust me, you might wanna start living for real.
On a greater scale of attention, Sweden is sure coming up soon. Five weeks almost, and then finally back with friends and family. I literally can't wait. School is a pain-in-the-but right now, grades are good and all but it's certainly a struggle. Having that in mind, keeping up with around 40h of work every week is not really easy, anyways, it pays off and also. Can't wait for my modelling career to start up pretty soon as well. Cheers people.
Pictures are coming up on a regular basis so make sure you check em' out. Also, when arrived in Sweden, freshly pressed pics of me and Victor will be landing here on VIRCUS.

To bad for the liberal U.S

As you all know, the United States was founded by a number of so called "founding fathers", they were all in agreement of that United States is to be set up on a liberalists perspective and through that, maintain and order around the thought of the enlightenment. Anyways, every single aspect of life that were set up by the fouding fathers, are all gone. What I'm trying to say is that United States is in a deep pile of shit, presently, due to what some presidents have done with it. It's true, and as you all know, George W. Bush cheated so persistently throughout the entire 2004 election and just by going over some of the few things he did, shocks you and makes you ask yourself the question: how can a country be so insanely corrupt and non-functioning as the United States?
I just feel so upset and angry of the ways politics and democracy is dealt with in the US, give me some thoughts on this please!
Anyhow, summer is so close I can barely resist to wait, Sweden is coming up shortly with it and it is gonna be one hell of a summer ya'll.
All for now, Ciao.

Thank god for the www

Without it, I wouldn't be able to communicate whatsoever with my pears and peers in Sweden, sure, we could always send letters to each other but with this technology handed to us like never before, of course it helps out and we wouldn't be able to keep up with each other. Another thing, for all you old-folks out there, complaining about how advanced todays society is, just please zipp it and keep quite instead of complaining how more efficient things are happening to the world, I'm sorry we're spoiled, just go with it.
Found some other entertaining websites out there the other day, find them listed below. Enjoy.


  • We went to Maui, Hawaii over spring break, here 'r some "quality" pics (chad) from that.

More will come later.

Scandinavian Festival

  • Wanted to upload and share some of the pics taken during the Scandinavian Festival me and some peers went to over the weekend in Thousand Oaks (Cal. Lutheran College)

Superb over skype with my partner-in-crime (Victor). Futuristic professional blog-owners we are, indeed. There are a few point I would also like to pin down here on VIRCUS blog.
  • Summer '11 - It has been too long since I saw my peers and family, this upcoming summer will, without a doubt, be one of the most amazing summers in history.
  • Just came back from a model-shoot, Beyond the Fringe hair salon wanted me on the cover of their magazine and with different hair-styles on their website, link and updates will be given when informed personally.
  • Thirdly, I must say that I have the best peers in the entire world, as well as my girlfriend Casey. Victor, Charlie, Jon, Magnus, Fredrik, Eric, and many more deserve the attention of true "keepers" when it comes to the friendship relations. They are all outstanding in many ways and I will truly make sure to keep them in my life, for the rest of my existence. Brothers-in-bond for sure. Word of advice, "keep your friends close, dont drive them away".
Finally, I would also like to pin down the very changes we have made here on VIRCUS blog. There are FOUR different categories our posts will in the future "belong" to, or entitled with. They are as follows:
  • The newscloud (local, regional, national news)
  • The picturecloud (pics we have of interest)
  • Media (videos, more pictures, events, random occasions, meets, etc.)
  • Random (personally posted, thoughts & ideas, views & perspectives)

The amusing "www"

I've been doing some reasearch on where to go for the more amusing, these are the websites I found..
There are herculean amounts of entertaining websites out there, go find 'em.

The picturecloud (2)

Bonjour coffee

Today - A whole lot of coffee and a very amazing lunch at The Coffee House. There are plenty of nice cafe's here in L.A County but the most outstandning one would be that of the coffee house. Frankly, I spend most of my lunch-time there and not only is it an amazing study-environment but their broad selection of healthy food is one of a kind.
So, I assume you've noticed the changes we've made here on VIRCUS. The following chapters will consist of those specific changes, our blog posts will be entitled under the following;
  • Regular posts (this one)
  • The newcloud
  • The picturecloud
  • Media (entertainment, news (local, regional, national)
So, keep checking in with us here on VIRCUS and comment as much as you want. Enjoy.

New happenings

The VIRCUS blog is about to re-design its layout in total, the header will be changed into a professional pic of both writers. Hope you'll like 'em.

The newscloud (3)

  • Thor - Behind the Scenes Sneek Peek HD

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