
@victorlohse #instagram
Just got back from seeing the Breaking Dawn part II movie with my girlfriend Casey <3. The movie itself was just amazing, bits of twists here and there but jesus christ, the Twilight Saga is so freaklishy good.
Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner and the rest are incredible in these movies. If you haven't already, get with it!
Anyways, as Vircus carries on, so should you! Keep up to date with us and leave comments for feedback!
God natt med er nu <3

Yepp, the weekend is getting very close and I can't wait. Working tonight and then probably a late night work out at LA FITNESS. Hope you're all excited for yet another awesome weekend.

#twilightfeverforever #kristenstewart #breakingdawnpart2
Nighty night
Victor has been keeping up with the real blogging deal; posts here and there and they're blogalicious! I am so proud of being a part of this blog and just to mention, I am so proud of my best friend Victor Lohse! Also, another statement I'd love to make is that Victor and I have been best friends for ages. We have such a long history together and I can tell you this, it is the best of histories friends could ever share. You couldn't really say we grew up together but we've certainly grown together as more than just best friends. We were a team the first day we saw each other, I personally remember the very first time I met him. 3rd grade and we were both in separate "middle-school divisions". Victor and I had been introduced way before this but it was time for Victor to switch into the better part of our middle-school class. It was done, and Victor and I have been best friends ever since.
Why I am writing you guys this stuff is just simply due to the fact that I really just love him so much. I don't think any person out there loves his best friend as much as I do. It's getting kinda gay so Ima leave it at this.
Anyhow, California State Northridge is pouring me homework, and to be frank, school is tough. University is really a lot of fun but now, after almost two and a half years of it, I can really say it truly is A LOT.
I can't wait to go back home to Sweden to all my loved ones and let's hope, the snow! Here in cali you don't really experience the various semesters but get hot ass summers and cool winters all year around. Sweden is such an awesome place to be when it comes to experiencing the different seasons, you really do get freezing cold winters and hot ass summers=amazing.
So, New York for new years with Casey and some awesome friends and then back home to hang with family and friends in Sweden for a couple of weeks. Then, back to spring 2013 semester for full-time journalism.
A lot of words this post, probably due to the fact I haven't really been "up-to-date" on my blogging but there will be a difference, just hang on and you'll see it for yaself.

The best family

@victorlohse #instagram
H&M News

Picture cloud (1)

FYI: Pictures not distributed from personal sources.

Schulman show - I'm sexy and I know it
So, I'm pretty sure you've all gotten the idea of this "international blog" is that I (Marcus) write in english and my companion (Victor) posts his in swedish. Why I'm mentioning that is that I'm pretty sure my American peers have no god namn clue who this "stud" is. Well, it's about a show, Schulman Show (can be found @ schulmanshow), and the reason I'm blogging about this is just cuz the fact of that it's hilarious. I've watched a few episodes now and I gotta give it to him; it's pretty darn funny! However, I do have to make a comment on how he looks. He's not bad looking but it's just that he's not really attractive either. It kinda looks his teeth are being pushed forward in a way it looks hilarious. You'll see them on a picture below, wow.

Here are some other very attractive pictures of this gorgeous man

FYI: Pictures are not mine and I hope Mr. Schulman doesn't see this post in person (haha)
Let's go
Good morning
Slept in today, yum, and all free all day today so I'm kinda happy. Most likely going to spend bits and pieces at the Newhall coffee shop and then tonight the boys are coming over for some rage-cage and what not.
Have a wonderful Friday!
GQ Modeling (thumbs up)

Victorias Secret Fashion (HD)
Teach me how to doggiieee
You like?
Victoria(s) Secret