If you ever feel like you wanna watch a movie and later find out that you don't posses it, check these sites out!
Unless, you're one of those high-def needy ones, then I suggest doing it the not-so-legal-way would be an option...
Sweden or the U.S?
There really is no such question, the answer however, will be found where the most joy and comfort comes to you. Do not ever feel like you're alone because you're not, there are approximately 7 billion people in the world today and a good way of keeping track of how many people are being added to that, check out
world population.
Here are some good steps, or should I say methods, in order for blocking negative emotions to arise.
1. The only person that can ever truly make you happy is yourself.
Stop depending on everyone else.
2. People lie, stuff happens. Don’t take it too personally.
3. Want people to think you’re amazing? Start believing you are,
and then they will too.
4. Smiling is the ultimate anti-depressant. Smile and laugh out loud,
it doesn’t look stupid, I promise.
5. The world is never just black and white, right or wrong,
one way or another.
Try and see things from as many points of view as possible.
6. "Let everything happen to you
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final"
— Rainer Maria Rilke
7. Have empathy.
8. Gossip, problems of the past, events you cannot control,
negative thoughts and negative people;
time spent on these is time poorly wasted.
9. When you're jealous or find yourself filled with hate for
someone/something, stop.
The only person its hurting is you.
10. Although the newest, most expensive material things may make
you feel as if you’re a better person,
they won’t hold you at night or listen to you when you need it.
Make sure your priorities make sense.
11. Step outside your comfort zone- it’s when you’ll really feel alive.
12. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, the people who really matter,
don’t mind
13. Let your emotions out sometimes, humans have them for a reason.
14. Celebrate the things you have. Think only positively of the
things you don’t (but would like to have)
and they too will come.
15. Love unconditionally ♥.
Spinner vidare
..på förra inlägget, lite bara. Klickade runt bland gamla bilder och hittade några som ja lägger till i samlingen. Valborg för 2 (?) år sen tror ja det är. Vädret svek oss inte den dagen inte, oj oj oj.
Kom igen nurå
Snälla, kan vinden vända? Det är lite för kallt nu, -18 typ. Massa snö är det också, kan det bara smälta bort och bli plusgrader eller? Eller en massa plusgrader och vår, sommar och hela kalaset. Jag erkänner, jag gillar vintern. I lagom mängd, men nu räcker det, nu kastar ja inte handduken, ja lägger mig, går i ide. Vaknar igen i vår.
Bjuder på lite vårbilder från när Marcus och Charlie precis kommit hem från deras utbytesår i staterna. Där skulle man bo btw. Inte så mycket vinter där liksom, Marcus ditt jävla lyllo.
You gotta LOVE L.A.
How could a place fit so many activities and places of interest at the same time? California has everything that anyone would like to have in their lives, environmentally speaking. It is home to the world's capital of entertainment and having the option of checking out Downtown L.A at night, taking your significant other to 3rd Street, cruising along the impossibly long beaches, going over to either one of the four amusement parks like Six Flags, Disneyland, Universal Studios, or Knotts Berry Farm. The shopping is impossible due to the decision making of where to go since there's probably more than 50 huge malls around L.A, or famous boulevards like Robertson, Melrose, Hollywood etc. Wanna see a movie on IMAX screen? It is now in every single movie theatre around California. Coming across one or more celebrities while walking the streets downtown or around Melrose, The Chinese Theatre, The Getty, or Griffith Observatory is very common. Seing every single location from every single movie ever created, daily, is something you just get used to and really, it is not that great. The last thing I would ever do is to brag about this city, regardless of all it's bad sides like drug use, crime rates etc. Being extreme is the thing, you gotta love it though, I mean, everyone loves L.A.
Bra eller anus?
Ingen kan ha missat det. Big Brother har dragit igång igen. Dockusåpan man gillade en hel under sin uppväxt. Frågan är dock vilket som är "värst", Big Brother eller Paradise Hotel? Jag tycker nog att BB är snäppet värre. Skulle man banga på en 2 månader lång semester i typ Mexico? Eller skulle man vilja sitta inlåst i 106 dagar och varenda svennebanan ser när man sitter och sänker en ubåt? Det gör dom i PH också ifs. Där är det varmt och gött iaf.
Var ja tvungen skulle jag nog ta semestern i Mexico. Efter en hel del övervägande.
Bara en sak kvar då. BB 2011, bra eller anus? ja?
Off to the gym
Lika bra om man vill se ut såhär i sommar va? Skämt och sido.
PEPPA PEPPA, later bloggen.
So, I came to the conclusion of that I personally drank about 140oz of coffee yesterday. There's a true bond between me and the intake of coffee, regularly, on a daily basis. Calculated on it, and if that result (140oz/day) would remain the same for a period of 20 years, I would have reached an amount of 235,200oz of the glorious beverage. It is also to be drunk black, a true coffee lover drinks his/hers coffee black.
Anyways, it is today raining in pretty much all of SoCal and for those who dislikes the rain, pitty, but for me, who loves the rain, yeah you know what I'm saying. Memories where me and Charlie would slip 'n slide and boggie-board down the hill on the golfcourse attached to the backyard comes along and makes me somewhat sad, I miss my true peers back home, insanely.
For you who didn't know, George W Bush is seen as the worst president in all of US history, him and some of the Bush ad. can't even travel into Spain, Germany, Switzerland etc. without being arrested for crimes against humanity. Fun facts, but how sad is it? The X-President of the world can't even travel wherever he pleases to, without being held against will and put behind bars.
Car purchase
Bought a car two weeks ago, 2011 Mazda 3 Sport Hatchback. Thought I just wanted to let ya'll know.
Here's a pic of it.

Pato mot Ramos?
Ja tack! Läste på sportexpresen att Milan vill byta till sig den spanske ytterbacken Segio Ramos mot Pato. En ganska bra deal eller? Ibra vill ju ändå spela med Cassano ocg Robinho. Och det verkar ju va han som bestämmer. Jag personligen gillar Ramos och hoppas se honom i den svartröd-randiga tröjan snart.

Nyfiken är bara förnamnet
Som det kanske framkom i det förrförra inlägget så gillar jag tatueringar. Big news liksom. En person jag kollar mycket på vad gäller tatueringar är mr Beckham. Nu har han tydligen gjort en ny för ett litet tag sen. Som ni ser på bilden är det på bröstet och ska ha tagit runt 6 (!) timmar att göra.
Sjukt spännande att se vad det blev. Keep it up Becks.
På den "stora" dagen
Gratulerar vi på vircus våran favoritpersier Sorena "Hadjie" Khadjehnouri (?) på 21-årsdagen. Stort grattis Hadjie brorsan. Den 25:e sätter vi "klackarna" i taket för dig!
Passion, hobby, passion, hobby...
One of VIRCUS's favorite hobbies is the art of literature, and literature posted through toughts and beliefs through the world wide web. It is what we value to be of vital importance, why? because we want people to know what's going on and what's "fresh" in today's newsworld.
Anyways, officially back into the atmosphere of blogging and just the thought of having my number one companion on the go of doing so, makes me feel more than satisfaction. We're back, you better read, and comment!
Litet smakprov av inspirationen jag samlat på mig so far.
Tillbaks från de döda
Whats up världen? Man kan väll säga att vi är tillbaks från de döda. Min kära dator har varit väldigt död, eller ja, på sätt och vis. Nu är den snart vid liv igen, har äran att låna min madres så länge. Varför har vi inte bloggat på aplänge? Jag vet inte. Lätt svar. Nu är vi i alla fall tillbaks, better than ever.
Welcome back vircus, welcome back.
Nu drar jag och lyfter skrot till frukosten kommer upp igen.
På återseende.