DEC, 21st
has also been a highly effective day, another one just filled with running around everywhere looking for more xmas gifts, this time with mother and brother Henric. I am very tired and kinda out of words atm but im sure there will be another post very soon. How's your day been?
Here's some red, for xmas <3
The new lip sync VSFS
wanna dougie? it like these guys and the floor is yours ;)
DEC, 20th
just sitting next to my blog partner Victor in his room, drinking another cup of coffee, and about to come about to browse further for more pictures to upload here on VIRCUS. Today's been pretty effective with hanging out with mom and Victor almost all day. Had swedish pizza (kebab) for the first time since my arrival last week, and OH MY GOD how I've missed it. Unless you're at an italian restaurant, in Italy, a pizza would not be better than here in Sweden. Went downtown earlier for some coffee with Victor but also came about a new hairdryer and some other new-found ideas for more x-mas shopping.
and why not upload some fresh pics, and gifs ?
LIVE: Calgari-Ibrahimovic
Slår ni på TV4 Sport nu (21:30) så får ni se Ibra döda Calgari. Se och lär.
DEC, 17
Had a wonderful night last night with my boys and bros. What was your night like? Anyways, played some trivial pursuit with henric and joel, then went to Korianders nightclub to meet up with victor, and then charlie, jon, and robin. Tonight we're celebrating that I'm back so it'll most likely end up to be an ever better night than the last.
Oh my, how I love being so freaking jet-lagged. It literally sucks. But gives me more time to blog and be creative in other ways, right?
I've notices we're getting more and more people commenting on out stuff, and THANK YOU, it's exactly what we need and want from you peers. Keep reading, keep peaking, keep commenting - WE LOVE IT
Not that many words in my fingers right now, kinda tired.. But here's another PICTURECLOUD <3
Goodnight LA - Goodmorning Kd
ALEXANDER SKARSGARD one of the most popular Swedish actors, by far. Except for his father, Stellan of course. Being one of the most prestigeous family when it comes to acting - I believe Alexander will go the furthest. Here's some of his work with a few pictures of him (for the ladies), I guess ;)
- Vita lögner
- Hundtricket
- The Diver
- Zoolander
- Golden Brown Eyes
- Generation Kill
- 13
- Melancholia
- True Blood
- Straw Dogs
So, whilst being back in my hometown and country, there has not been anything more than just enjoyment, pleasure, and gratitude for finally being back. To recap what's happened so far, well except for jet-lagging pretty hard - I've been pretty occupied with hanging with friends and family, of course. But just simply being with them is exactly what I want and need, and whilst studying in the states, it's exactly what I miss - so, OBVIOUSLY, that comes first. There is just way to much to come and if you keep an eye on us here at VIRCUS, you'll experience a very merry christmas as well as A LOT of pictureclouds, newsbreaks, and much much more.
And remember, VIRCUS ent. loves you <3
Hope what-ever holidays you are experiencing is treatin' u well!
sry for all the "touching-my-face", but who cares... :)
Feels just indescribably amazing to finally be back home in Karlstad, Sweden. Didn't get one hour of sleep during the entire trip home, and then only 2h tonight, still I'm pretty awake and alert. You're probably gonna laugh out loud when you find out that me and mom are going to Ikea right now, how Swedish...
So, home I am, and there's way to much that's gonna go down. Seeing all my peers later today over coffee downtown, probably just spending the rest of the night with them and most likely picking up brother Henric from work tonight. There's too much to look forward to now once I'm finally back, but foremost to Casey coming a couple days after xmas, that'll be the highlight :)
Here;s some pics from San Fran. with Casey <3
..är snart slut och den har varit fett bra. Har varit dåligt bloggande på grund av födelsedag och firande av den. Från i onsdags då det var min födelsedag. Firande fredag, julbord lördag osv. Kommer komma lite fina bilder.
Imorgon kommer Marcus hem, WOOOOOOOOHOOOOO. Vircus is back. Fo real.
Oh lord, it feels more than indescribably amazing to finally be done with fall semester and actually now being able to take a step closer to Christmas, and Sweden! Took and finished my last final yesterday, had 4 finals this week, 2 finals last week, and prior to as well as in between, just LOADS of studying. What a relief :)
So, Have said that, let the christmas begin :)
I'm now just at work for a couple of more hours, then going back home to start a game of Monopoly (finally), with some friends and probably finishing up the packing I started last night. Hope everyone's fully enjoying this weekend. And of course, since I never blogged last night, you can probably figure out why, I now have two Xmas gifts to hand out. When I'm done working they will be posted ;)
6, December.
Today's also been another good day with plenty of studying, preparing for the annual christmas party here at the Davids, made some pasta for nutrition then sushi for dinner. Now just sitting here about to study some more and then fall asleep to which-ever-movie seems fit for the night :)
- If you'd like to be more than a man, then do it like this guy!
TOMORROW a very big day for 50% of VIRCUS, it's Victor's birthday - wihoo!
This will be celebrated with not only another christmas gift but also pictureclouds from some of our most "eventful" happenings together.
Godnatt vänner
Vad ska man säga?
Hur mår vi, Ashton?
Let's hope so kära vänner. Ni som läser sporten och gillar fotboll vet att AC Milan med Zlatan i spetsen försöker knyta till sig Carlos Tevez från Man City. Problembarnet som han ändå verkar ha varit där. Men man ska inte ta ifrån killen, han är fett bra på att kicka med lädret. Shit. Han och Ibra kommer vara sjukt bra tillsammans. Jag lovar!
Enligt Aftonbladet (som man dock aldrig kan lita på) så ska Tevez och Milan vara överens om det personliga kontraktet. Så nu återstår bara att Man City ska acceptera Milans bud. Vilket jag hoppas och tror att dom gör. Det är såklart Milanguden Silvio Berlusconi som har gått in med pengar så att det ska bli.
Tevez är menad ersättare till Antonio Cassano som har hjärtproblem. En ersättare till Pippo Inzaghi ska också vara klar tydligen. Maxi Lopez. Hoppas det. Då kan Milan bli ännu farligare. Återstår att se, let's hålla tummarna! (Blir det så ansluter dom i januarifönstret).
Läs Aftonbladets artikel här: Tevez klar för AC Milan?!
Det bakas och lyssnas
Various Artists – Absolute Christmas
Är vad jag i skrivande stund sitter och lyssnar på. Bakar lite lussebullar och har det juligt med mamma och pappa. Så det ska vara i juletider. In på Spotify och lyssna, kom i stämning. Kram.
Sitting in the cafeteria at school, while skyping with Victor and his family and watching them making safron-buns. That's exactly what I'm looking forward to, a true christmas is really the making of it. Dressing the christmas trees, baking gingerbread cookies, safron-buns, drinking spiced wine with raisins and almonds in it - there's really nothing better than Swedish christmas ;)
Tänd ett ljus
6/12-11 klapp-klapp
Hittade denna bild och tänkte direkt: fett bra julklappstips. Hur många kommer inte ha som nyårslöfte att börja träna, gå ner i vikt, bli mer hälsosam och allt det där. Ni vet hur det är. Gymmet bli proppfullt i 2 månader sen tröttnar folk och börjar äta skräp och skita i träningen igen. Hej.
Detta kanske kan få dom att bli lite mer motiverade i alla fall. Eller delar av det. Skorna, nike+, nike-löparskorna eller vad ni nu väljer. Själv skulle jag gilla klappen skarpt. Bara så ni vet.
Jul ljus
Förra årets julhit. Nice med lite ny julmusik ändå. Hope you like it. I do.
It's now not more than 5 days until I'm actually sitting on the flight homewards.
Sitting in school just finishing up finals, had one final today, one tomorrow, and then one on Thursday. That's it, then i'll be oficially done with fall 2011. God am I ready to just come back to winter-wonderland Sweden :)
- Here's some xmas ideas for you - Click on the pictures! Merry 6th
Bildmoln (49)
Då var det dags att öppna en klapp igen. Klapp klapp. Vircus änglar!
Kolla på denna video. Gör det. Ni måste göra det. Och tänk sen efter. Tänk efter. Ska det få vara såhär? Blir arg, ledsen, förbannad när jag ser denna killen. Fyfan rent utsagt. Ska han behöva gå till skolan rädd, orolig, med en klump i magen? Vad ska dom göra med mig idag? Vad ska dom kalla mig idag? Jag har inga kompisar att hänga med på rasterna.. FYFAN vad arg jag blir.
Så tänk efter. Ta hand om varandra. Alla är värda att må bra och bli bra behandlade. Och nu är det juletider så då ska man ta hand extra mycket om varandra. Familj, vänner, arbetskamrater, skolkamrater, allt vad det nu kan vara. Hjälp världen bli en bättre plats. INGEN SKA BEHÖVA HA DET SOM JONAH, INGEN, INGEN, INGEN! Punkt.
December, 4.
Today's been pretty productive to be honest with you, spent most of the day just surviving on the black beverage and doing christmas shopping. Pretty sure I got what I need atm, there are just a few more interesting presents to get before I can actually sit down and do the most fun part, wrapping. Last night, I made Swedish Meathballs for the Newhall Coffee House were they were sold with mashed potatoes, gravy, and of course, lingonberries. Made well over a hundred of them and we actually pretty much sold out, success - I say yes ;) Then back home for some mingle with friends and such.
In case you didn't notice, which I hope you didn't - I did not blog yesterday, a disgrace really. I was caught up with too much work and other stuff I just did never have the time, it's being made up for in today's posts of course :)
So, since no December 3rd christmas gift was given from my side of VIRCUS, YOU WILL GET TWO TODAY, WIIHOO :)
Merry December, 4 to you all.
Merry Christmas <3
Dagens klapp. Den fjärde klappen. 4 december. Very nice. Idag är det ett apbra tips på en blogg i världsklass. THE FASHIONEATERS. Det är min äldre bror Eric och hans flickvän Tine som driver bloggen ni kommer fortsätta läsa. Från och med nu. Eller snart i alla fall. (Börjar när ni klickat in er).
Så gillar ni framför allt mode men också tatueringar, musik och bara sköna tips på bra skit. Klicka er in till modeätarna direkt. Ni kommer inte bli besvikna. Ni kommer snarare ha en till blogg att lägga till under Vircus i eran lista. Fo sho, let's go!
Nu kör vi en smygtitt innan ni klickar er vidare. VÄLKOMNA kamrater!
Lagont tempo idag. Då funkar den här låten utmärkt. Var så goda.
"Klackarna i taket"
Ikväll. Mobilen är med så ni får nog följa med ikväll. Delvis i alla fall. Blir nice. Jag vet redan vad som är i fjärde luckan imorgon. Ni som gillar musik kommer älska det. Tror dock alla kommer älska det. Jag fick och får fortfarande gåshud. STAY TUNED 4 THIS ONE. YOU WANT TO SEE IT. Tomorrow. XOXO.
Adam Levine (sångare i Maroon 5) är en bra inspirationskälla. Ni får se.
Levererar. Det vet ni. In och julklappshandla. (Man får handla till sig själv).
In och fixa klapparna här: HENNES & MAURTIZ
Julklapp 2 på Vircus. Det blir ett stort härligt bildmoln med Kante West. Guden som vet hur man gör musik. Okej, killen är speciell. Men musik det kan han. Sen har han riktigt skön stil också. Man hittar mycket bra inspiration hos honom. Njut.
Idag blir det dubbla "julklappar" eftersom jag missade gårdagen. Oförlåtligt? Nä. Ni får ju 2 sköna klappar idag istället! Dom kommer nu på momangen! Hope u like it.
December 2
Today's been pretty mellow with little to nothing productive done, until now. Working tonight from 5p-1a, yippie. No im not complaining, not at all. Afterall, fall semester is over next thursday, three finals will be taken and after that, a huge Christmas party on saturday and then leaving for Sweden, Gothenburg the day after, December 11th. So, hope your day's are nothing but just pure sunshine and happiness, love to you all!
Of course, it's day 2 of the famous VIRCUS X-mas calendar, so here's my gift to you today <3
5 very famous VS commercials, enjoy, and Merry Christmas <3
Good evening folks
Vircus has been sure to keep it's promises; especially that one of that posts are frequently and deliberately posted. So, henceforth, and since this is December 1st, for each and every day up until Christmas (dec 25th), both partners of Vircus will deliver a "gift/surprise post", amongst other posts such as pictureclouds, newsbreaks, and much more, of course.
This week has been pretty much dedicated to school, mostly, and other stuff like issues with the car, christmas-gifts browsing, etc.. It's now only 12 days until I step foot on Swedish soil again, and JESUS CHRIST it's going to wonderful seeing everyone again! Especially family and newly arrived family members of my sister's and her husband; Anton :)
The Victoria's secret fashion show was held yesterday evening, presenting a huge collection of new stuff, including several new angels. I know Victor and his obsession with these angels, has already posted a few posts just about this, and i'm sure you all just love it.
Since it's first day of christmas, here's my gift for December 1st.
- Gift 1 - Midsummer pictures ;)
Merry Christmas <3
Helt sinnes. 1 december liksom. Ni kommer få en "julklapp" varje dag fram till julafton 24 december (som ni borde veta). Dagens present är att ni får veta att ni kommer få presenter! Spännande va? Undra vad som kommer imorgon?